Ok, I have been dreading this post because after the last post it just went down hill from there. Mike was such a great sport and would really try hard to save money when he was grocery shopping. The last time we did no spend month I did the grocery shopping and I did the cooking. However, roles were reversed this time because of my ear infection and now the current virus (cough, runny nose, and lots of congestion) I am trying to fight. Mike did a great job grocery shopping of resiting all those yummy snacks, but when it comes to getting creative in the kitchen that just isn't him. Don't get me wrong he will make things that I pull out and give him a
recipe for but I was just too lazy to even do that.
So here is the dreaded news for the last two weeks (totals are only the last 1/2 of the month)
Grocery: $167
Gas: $72 (1 fill up for me and 1 of Mike)
Eating OUT: $65 (Yes, this was a killer.
Ok, so I had a hard time liking my lunch that I brought to work and wouldn't eat it because it was leftovers that I have been
eating for lunch the last 2 days. We also did get pizza one night because I didn't want to cook and Mike LOVES pizza and will pretty much do anything to have a pizza night - only Papa Johns.)
If any of you are adding up yes, we well exceeded our goal which was originally set at $300. Alright I know you all have your calculators out to see the amount we spent so I will just tell if you if you promise to put your calculators away (or maybe I am just the geek that has a calculator sitting by my computer for easy access). So the total for the month was
$563. (Yes, it is small for a reason).
I know this month wasn't that big of a flop because we did spend less than normal and I will continue to try random NO spend months but hopefully we just won't be sick the next time.