Monday, September 27, 2010

Disaster of Being on Vacation

The first of the month of September the boys and I spent about 10 days in Utah enjoying the cooler weather and spending time with family. However, I did spend a lot of time canning and I came back with a loaded car full of bottles.

As we arrived home my house suddenly became a disaster zone and I really didn't care.

After I arrived home and the mess I created:

(Grant showing off his breakfast spill on the carpet and I really didn't care)

And Finally the finished product after a few hours:

(Just a box of peaches remaining to give to my brother and the cute little boy that kept saying 'picture of me')

What does your house look like after you come home from vacation? (Probably not as bad as mine).


Susanne said...

Yes! That's totally how it is after vacationing--too tiring to care about a mess. Good for you for getting it cleaned up. Your house looks great!

Robyn said...

Yes, as bad as yours. My house looks like that most days after the kids get home from school!