Ok, since I got pregnant I have been in a MAJOR cooking rut. I can't seem to get out of it.
The Problem
Here is how it starts (I think these steps might apply to everybody - just take out the pregnant part)
Step 1: Get pregnant and now you don't feel like cooking
Step 2: Rely on your husband to feed the family for dinner. Dinners for weeks were frozen meals that you buy in the freezer section. Not the expensive ones the cheap ones. I don't think I can stomach anymore of them.
Step 3: Start to feel better but just don't know what to cook
Step 4: Have loads and loads of cookbooks sitting on your shelf but dread the thought of looking through them because you already have a 100 times.
Step 5: Realize you have a problem when you stop at Taco Bell on the way home because the idea of making dinner makes you cringe. Even though in the morning you pulled out chicken to thaw. (I must have had something in mind when I pulled out the chicken.)
The Road to Recovery
I don't think I need a 12 step program to help me fix the problem but maybe the following steps will help:
Recovery Step 1: Admit I have a problem (Check: got it covered with the post)
Recovery Step 2: Apologize to anybody that has eaten at my house in the last few months (Check: I think I apologize to Mike daily. Grant doesn't really care he will pretty much eat anything.)
Recovery Step 3: Seek Help
I can't seem to do this one alone so please post some recipes in the comments. Of course simple recipes because who has time to slave away in the kitchen we see where that led Martha Stewart.
Recovery Step 4: Cook my little heart out
Tonight I think I might use the chicken I didn't use last night. Hey, at least it is a start.
(So please begin posting your recipes now.....)