Friday, January 1, 2010

Tis the Season....for Joy

It all started Christmas morning looking like this.......

It looks like Santa came and brought us goodies and toys

(Santa doesn't wrap presents at our house)
We ended with a happy boy that got lots of cars and he even got his very own train.

As you can see Grant loved his train. As he was driving his train around the living room he just all the sudden had an Elf moment and yelled "TRAIN".
(If you have seen the movie Elf then you know what we are talking about.)

I even surprised Mike with an air soft gun. I told him that he couldn't shoot in the house or he couldn't shoot Grant but everything else was game.

All in all we had a great Christmas morning and day. I couldn't ask for anything more than a happy happy family.

(I can't say healthy because Grant was running a fever Christmas Eve and Christmas day. But of course you can't even tell at all.)

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Your tree is gorgeous!